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1) Aladdin
In the heart of an enchanted city, a commoner named Aladdin and his mischievous monkey, Abu, battle to save the free-spirited Princess Jasmine. Aladdin's life changes with one rub of a magic lamp as a fun-loving, shape-shifting Genie appears and grants him three wishes. Through his adventures, Aladdin proves that he is a prince where it truly matter most - on the inside.
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Blu-ray version.
When Gabbie and her son, Travis, move into a beautiful old mansion only to find they are sharing it with hundreds of pesky ghosts, they reach out to anyone who could possibly help, not knowing they will all become trapped within its walls. The Hatbox Ghost has captured 999 souls and only needs one more to free himself from what binds him to the property, but a discredited academic with his own haunted past may be the only thing standing between the...